Allicin Medical Uses (C)

An A to Z of aliments that allicin can be used to treat

C Candidiasis – Cryptosporidium


Medical Definition
A common yeast infection found in moist areas of the body. It is especially common in the vagina where it is known as thrush, but it is also found in the mouth and skin folds. On the skin the lesions are bright red with small satellite pustules. In the mouth it appears as white patches on the tongue or inside the cheeks. In the vagina it can produce intense itching and sometimes a thick white discharge. Candida infection can sometimes develop in people who are taking antibiotics or have a poorly functioning immune system. Candida albicans is often now resistant to a wide range of pharmaceutical antifungal agents.

The form we call thrush is associated with the overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans. Around one in five women carries this yeast in low levels, but it can get out of control if anything happens to disrupt the body’s defences. This could be caused by stress, low immunity, hormonal changes around your period, the contraceptive pill, pregnancy, diabetes or sex with an infected partner. Symptoms can include: intense itching of the vagina/vulva, constant tiredness, muscular aches and pains, mood swings, thick white discharge, digestive problems and, with oral thrush, white patches in the throat.

TreatmentStart with at least 540-1080mg of allicin powder every day, taken all in one go or throughout the day. This will need to be continued for approximately 1 month, depending on how deep-seated the yeast infection is. If you have a discharge then try adding some allicin powder to plain yoghurt and apply this internally once or twice a day, again for about 1 month. This will have a cooling and soothing activity and should help to remove the itchiness that is so frustrating for many sufferers. Once progress has been made it is important to keep to a healthy diet, free from excessive sugar, and keep taking a daily dose of just 180mg or 360mg allicin powder. This will help to prevent the infection from returning.


American Jane Jones, 35, lives in Kent, England and has struggled to manage recurring Candida infections since her teens.

The first time I got thrush I was only 15 and had no idea what it was. I had a white vaginal discharge and terrible itching – I thought it must be something to do with my periods, or that I’d catch something from a toilet seat. I kept it to myself for a few months until it became really bad. I finally broke down in tears and told my mum, who took me to a male gynaecologist. It was an awful experience, as he seemed to think I was sexually active – which I wasn’t. It made me feel dirty. As I now know, although thrush can be transferred to a sexual partner, it’s not necessarily caused by sex but by an overgrowth of the Candida fungus in the system.

After that first time, the thrush kept on coming back. My mum took me to a couple of female doctors who prescribed the same standard medication, which was Monostat 7 (I was living in America at the time). This was effective at first, but I think I became immune after a while, as I had to take it so often. The doctors also gave me the same advice: don’t wear tight jeans, tights or synthetic underwear, avoid perfumed bathing products that can irritate the vagina and always use protection if you are sexually active. The treatments were very focused on the vagina and on curing the symptoms. Nobody ever mentioned dealing with Candida throughout the entire body.
A few years later many of the medications I was using became available over the counter so I didn’t have to keep going to the doctor and it became easier to self-treat the condition. But the thrush still kept coming back, so I never felt free of it. I remember getting it badly when I was at university. The discomfort and itching were sometimes so severe I thought I’d go mad. I used to scratch myself until it hurt because the pain was better than the itching. I didn’t confide in anyone about it. In a way I tried to pretend it wasn’t there. I was shy around boys, and the boys didn’t help my confidence. Whenever I had an outbreak I felt embarrassed and ashamed, even though there was nothing to be ashamed of. But psychologically it does get you down – you start to feel as if it’s somehow your fault.

After university I went to live in London and then got married. During this time I started to feel generally tired and unwell. I was still having thrush all the time, but didn’t relate the two – my doctor thought I might have glandular fever. I was reading up on the subject at the time and learnt that Candida overgrowth can have more widespread effects on the system, from bloating to chronic fatigue and digestive problems. I started to think that maybe I didn’t simply have vaginal thrush; perhaps there was something going on in my whole body. I realised that when the Candida is really bad I don’t just have thrush – I feel ill, tired and slow, like I can’t think straight. One of the worst things is having no energy. I’m usually quite energetic, so feeling so tired for much of the time is very frustrating.

At this time of my life I was so unhappy that I let the Candida get me down. It was as though thrush was taking over my body, and I didn’t feel like myself any more. I also thought the treatment I’d been having was simply addressing the symptoms of the problem, rather than the root causes, and that’s why it kept coming back.

I decided to consult a nutritional therapist, who suggested I follow a strict anti-yeast diet. I was advised to avoid all fungi and products with fermented ingredients, such as bread, cheese and alcohol. At the same time I was, I was also taking a probiotic supplement, acidophilus, to help maintain my body’s ”good” bacteria and keep the Candida in check, and natural supplements such as garlic. My diet was something that I knew I could control and it was great to be able to do something practical, even though it was quite hard to stick to. I had to cut out all sugar, which feeds the fungi, so even seemingly ”healthy” food such as fruit was out, as well as things you wouldn’t think of, such as peanuts, as they contain a naturally occurring fungus.

I followed the diet for three months and it helped tremendously. I was symptom-free for about four years. Over that period, I gradually returned to eating normally – enjoying fruit, chocolate and sugary foods. I carried on taking acidophilus tablets regularly but I almost forgot about the Candida. Then, about two years ago, I went through a stressful time, took two courses of antibiotics and within a couple of months, started to get thrush again. (I now know it can also be associated with stress, low immunity and using antibiotics, which can disrupt the balance of natural flora in the body.) I used Canesten cream and pessaries or Diflucan tablets and it cleared up. But it started to come back more regularly, and became so frequent I went to my GP to check my symptoms weren’t connected to anything more serious.

I was tested for diabetes and liver disease, which can both be characterised by recurrent thrush, but fortunately I didn’t have either. I cut fruit and sugary foods from my diet again and started taking allicin powder capsules and vitamin C. I’d read about the curative anti-fungal properties of allicin in a book on garlic and found out that Candida albicans was one of the most sensitive species. I started on 1080mg allicin powder a day for about 4 weeks. At the same time I even tried aromatherapy, which is quite controversial as the treatment involves douching with essential oils and thrush sufferers are normally advised to avoid anything that may cause irritation. But I felt I had nothing to lose. Everything I’ve tried has had some kind of positive effect, though nothing has managed to keep Candida away for good until recently. It has now been 12 months since I started on allicin capsule and I now take just 180mg a day – this seems to prevent the infection from returning, my life is now much more settled and I feel fit and healthy for the first time in years.


Medical Definition
An open sore in the mouth, which appears as a painful white or yellow ulcer surrounded by a bright red area. A canker sore is benign (not harmful).

Canker sores are a common form of mouth ulcer. They usually appear on the inner surface of the cheeks and lips, tongue, soft palate and the base of the gums. They begin with a tingling or burning sensation, followed by a red spot or bump that ulcerates.

Canker sores are a sign of poor immunity and they can often develop as a reaction to toxic elements found in a variety of common foodstuffs that we eat. They can be triggered by emotional stress, dietary deficiencies and hormonal changes. They are often difficult to treat and tend to heal rather slowly. Most doctors now believe that they are caused by Streptococcus bacteria, which is capable of ulcerating mucous membranes. The cause can also be viral.

TreatmentDissolve 360mg of allicin powder in a little water and then gargle for approximately 1 minute. Repeat this every hour for about 4 hours, then repeat once daily. You should immediately gain some pain relief and within 1 week your sore should have healed. Then continue to take 180mg of allicin powder daily for maintenance.


Medical Definition
Cellulitis is defined as large-scale inflammation and infection of the connective tissue between adjacent tissues and organs. This is commonly due to bacterial infection by Streptococci species and occasionally by Staphylococci species.

It is important to stop the infection spreading to the bloodstream as this can lead to serious problems that could require hospitalisation.

TreatmentIf the infection is mild and manifests itself on the skin then apply allicin powder with a little water to each abrasion, twice daily. Supplement this treatment with at least 720mg allicin powder daily and continue this regimen for 14 days. If you have a long-term infection that has not been touched by successive courses of antibiotics then it is important to double the dose of allicin powder capsules and stay on this increased dose for at least 3 months. When there is a sign of any improvement then it would be possible to reduce the dose down to 180-360mg of allicin powder a day.


Medical Definition
A fat-like material present in the blood and in most tissues. Cholesterol is an important constituent of cell membranes and the precursor to many steroid hormones and bile salts. Western dietary intake of cholesterol is approximately 500-1000mg per day.

Cholesterol is synthesised in the body from acetate, mainly in the liver and blood concentration should be between 100-300mg/dL. Elevated levels of cholesterol are associated with atheroma and need to be controlled.

TreatmentTake 360-720mg of allicin powder a day. Review your progress after 10-12 weeks and if necessary adjust the dose.


Medical Definition
There are many factors that lead to poor blood circulation, including atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary artery disease, carotid artery disease, peripheral artery disease and heart disease. The results of these are: Angina pectoris (chest pain), limitation of movement, memory loss, stroke, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarctions, congestive heart failure, valvular heart disease and cold hands and feet.

There is evidence that allicin may help to improve circulation in several ways. By making your blood less likely to clot, allicin can reduce blood platelet aggregation. This means that your blood will become slightly thinner and is less likely to form a clot since the platelets are prevented from sticking together. It has also been reported that allicin can reduce blood thickening. In one study, which looked at capillary blood flow in the nail folds of the hand, allicin was found to increase blood flow by 55 per cent. As soon as you take an allicin your blood immediately thins and becomes more mobile. It will return to normal within about three hours once the active metabolites that allicin breaks down into have done their work and have been excreted.

TreatmentTake 180mg to 720mg of allicin powder every day, especially during the winter months.


Medical Definition
Inflammation of the skin or mucus membranes caused by herpes virus and is characterised by a collection of small blisters especially on the lips. Herpes simplex virus (HSV 1) causes the common cold sore and HSV-2 is responsible for genital herpes. Both types can cause either genital herpes or cold sores depending on the site of the initial infection. HSV blisters are contagious through skin-to-skin contact and are recurrent in many people.

Most people who are afflicted with recurrent cold sores know exactly when an attack is coming. They will get a tingle on the lips and if you take action fast enough with allicin liquid you can prevent that tingle from becoming a full-blown painful cold sore. Herpes infection arises as a result of some type of toxic insult, which could be stress, infectious illness, food allergies, drug or alcohol abuse, too much sunlight or cold exposure. A significant number of pharmaceutical drugs can also trigger a reaction including, aspirin, Motrin, Indocin, Clinoril and Cardizem. Procardia and cortisone are known to increase the invasive nature of herpes virus.

TreatmentApply just 1000mg of allicin powder to the sore spot 2 or 3 times a day and this will prevent it from developing into a serious cold sore. At the same time take 360mg-720mg of allicin powder a day and continue this especially through periods where you might expect to suffer. This protocol should help to prevent the infection from flaring up again.

I have not had any cold sores on my lips since I have started the treatment. One on the tip of my nose and I think that was my husband’s fault, as he had one on his lip. This is the longest time I have experienced being without sore lips, so a thank you very much for all your help.
Shena P, Portland, Oregon
I can always tell when a cold sore is coming as my lip begins to tingle and I know that if I don’t take action immediately then in the next few days I will get a terribly ugly and painful cold sore. I was given some of your allicin liquid to try and I first applied just a couple of drops when I felt the tingle. To my amazement and delight the expected cold sore did not develop at all. I continued to apply the liquid for a few days and although it has a characteristic smell – this disappeared within minutes of application. Thank you very much for a simple, natural and effective treatment for my cold sores.
Agnes B, Rye, East Sussex, England


Medical Definition
Experts in colds and flu like Professor Ron Eccles, who runs The Common Cold Centre, will confirm that it is very difficult to determine the difference between a bad cold and a mild flu. Classic cold symptoms are headache, fever, malaise, muscle aches and pains, earache, sinus pain, cough, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat and a blocked nose. Influenza is a highly contagious viral infection that affects the respiratory system.
Flu viruses are transmitted by coughing and sneezing. Symptoms commence after an incubation period of 1-4 days and include headaches, fever, loss of appetite, weakness, sore throat, sneezing, runny nose and general aches and pains. They may continue for about a week but a few may go onto develop pneumonia either a primary influenzal viral pneumonia or a secondary bacterial pneumonia. The main bacterial organisms responsible for a secondary infection include Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenza and Staphylococcus aureus. All of these bacteria are destroyed by allicin powder.

TreatmentFor prevention studies have shown that just 180mg of allicin powder per day can prevent the common cold. If you are already suffering then double or triple the dose for a period of up to 7 days and this will relieve the symptoms to leave you feeling much better.

Mr CP from Rye in Sussex writes: ”When I started a heavy cold and initially took 720mg of allicin powder per day for the duration of the cold. The first thing that struck me was that the runny nose cleared up much faster that it would have normally. I continued with 720mg a day until the worst of the cold was over. I also noted that the usual aftermath of mucus (which usually hangs about because I smoke) was not as severe and cleared more quickly. From that date I reduced the intake to 180mg per day until I ran out last week! Coincidentally or not the following day I came down with another heavy cold and unfortunately I did not take any allicin powder until the end of the week. I immediately took 720mg of allicin powder, and have continued until now which is a week from the start. I won’t say my cold has cleared but it is much better. I can breathe clearly and the congestion is beginning to clear (loosen). As you know I was very congested on Friday last. The other thing, which occurs to me, is that I normally feel dreadful when I have a cold for at least 4-5 days, to the point where I do not feel like doing anything. This time I only felt that bad for two days, i.e. Wednesday and Thursday. However, on Friday and through the weekend my energy levels were good despite the fact that I was still heady from cold. The other side effect of taking allicin I have found is not one of a laxative but more of a regulariser despite the fact that my dietary habits have not changed. This may be coincidence I do not know. There can be little doubt that that allicin has beneficial effects as I am a firm believer that treatment from within is the best way to combat ailments and if the digestive system is working correctly then the body will do the rest. Incidentally, during this time I have only taken the occasional Paracetemol at night to combat headaches.”
Mr CF from Sheerness, Kent, England writes
Dear Peter,
On taking allicin powder capsules for the first time I encountered several positive experiences, I started to realise a huge ”clearing” of the airways, almost a slightly runny/mucusey cold. As this started to diminish I noticed, it seemed, I could draw large volumes of air through my nose or mouth, like I had not done for a good while, what I would call really clear breathing. My wife also commented that I seemed to snore less at this time.

I continued to take allicin powder capsules on a maintained dose of 180mg-360mg of allicin powder every other day depending on how I felt. During this period of approx 6 months I never contracted a cold and had good health despite being in the company of others who had colds. Then, after stopping the allicin powder capsules for approx 6 weeks, I contracted a really severe cold. Straight away I started allicin powder capsules again. Within 2 days there was a noticeable improvement. The allicin powder capsules seemed to be reducing the symptoms of the cold; I was certainly recovering quicker than a colleague at work. Then I ran out of allicin powder. This proved to be a disaster, the cold returned with a vengeance. 11/2 days after running out, the cold was worse than ever. On restarting the allicin powder capsules the cold symptoms started to lessen, but it proved difficult to shake off, until I doubled the dose this was large enough to kill it off the second time. A cold like this would always go to my chest and result in a sore throat, but this time it hasn’t. This is very unusual.

Dosage I took:
As an everyday supplement 180mg-360mg of allicin powder twice a day for 3 days (to start), then 180mg-360mg of allicin powder every other day as maintenance.

As a cold cure: 2 x 360mg of allicin powder every day (this may have needed to be more)

Mrs PMI also from Kent is a sufferer of multiple sclerosis. This means that she has a severely compromised immune system and in previous years has always been highly susceptible to infections. She writes:

Dear Sirs,
Having MS and having no effective immune system I am certain that taking allicin powder capsules over the past winter months has helped to protect me from colds and flu. I am pleased to inform you, therefore, that allicin powder capsules with 100 per cent allicin will be a definite part of my future daily intake.
Thank you so much,

COUGH and upper respiratory tract infections

Medical Definition
The upper part of the respiratory tract is responsible for warming, humidifying and purifying the air that comes into our body. It is therefore this area that is likely to become damaged by pollution or infected by bacteria or viruses. The mucus membranes that make up the upper respiratory tract, when under stimulation, secrete mucus, and it is this that leads to a stuffy nose, sinusitis, earache or a chronic cough.

An unrelenting cough is most annoying and yet in many cases the true cause is never discovered. We do know that it can be a deep-seated bacterial cause or, where it is caused by a cold it is usually a viral infection. Allicin is good for chest complaints, especially troublesome and persistent coughs, since it has a major antitussive activity. Unlike most over-the-counter medicines allicin powder can destroy both bacterial and viral organisms with consummate ease. This can be achieved in several ways.

TreatmentPut 1000mg of allicin powder in a small cupful of warm milk and gargle for a few minutes. Do this every night for a few days. Then before retiring to bed take 1080mg of allicin powder and continue this until the cough begins to break up. Then reduce the dose down to 720mg and then to 360mg after a further week.


Medical Definition
A parasitic infection caused by a protozoan that comes from infected human and animal excrement, commonly found in soil and fresh water. In recent years this has become a much more widespread problem.

In 1993 approximately 400,000 Milwaukee residents were reported to have developed the infection from drinking contaminated water, and dozens died. Recent infections in Great Britain and Canada were also traced to contaminated water supplies and large populations were required to boil water for domestic use for several months. No effective drug medications or water sterilants are available and this parasite remains a cause for concern.

TreatmentTreatment needs to be aggressive and prolonged to have a chance of destroying this parasite. A large dose of up to 1800mg of allicin powder a day should be taken all at once or spread throughout the day. Results will depend on each individual’s response – but don’t be afraid to persevere as the allicin can only do you good.